Input your Globe/TM Number

Friday, April 29, 2011


GRAB-A-GOLD started on April 7, 2011 and will be enjoyed by various Globe subscribers for one (1) year thereafter. On the portal, you will have the chance to win Autoload, Gcash, Cool Gadgets and a Brand New Car.

If you are just a new registrant or intending to register, this blog post is for you. The Grab-A-Gold mechanics is a lengthy narration of its various features, game play rules, claiming prizes and requirements but this post
will give you an introduction/overview of the highlights of the game.

The game highlights can be summarized as follows:

1. Registration
2. Subscription
3. Game Play
4. Locked Prizes
5. Unlocked Prizes
6. Spinning Wheel


Registration is required in order to join GRAB-A-GOLD and it is FREE. All you need is a Globe Number (TM Nos. are not allowed). If you like to register now, Click HERE for procedures.


Once you are registered, you can now browse the GRAB-A-GOLD's site. Also, you are given FREE GAMES to play during your trial period. You are also given 3 FREE SPINS where you can win UNLOCKED instant prizes. During your games, you can earn golds that you will be using to UNLOCK other gadgets and to spin the wheel. However, at this point, your golds earned during the trial period via fee games are still locked, meaning you can't used to spin and unlock prizes but you can continue play and earn more golds.

To unlock the golds, you MUST need to subscribe a paid games pack (P15/5 days) where you are given more games to choose from. You will received text messages from 8888 for every transaction you do and updates of your status. During your subscription, you can enjoy playing the games of your choice, earn golds, spin the wheel for prizes (100 golds/spin) and unlock gadgets you want to win in the future.

Your subscription will run for five (5) days and will expire which you will need to renew in order to continue your game plays. You will receive a text message from 8888 giving you updates of your expiry date. GRAB-A-GOLD will charge you 15 pesos to renew your subscription for another 5 days. This happens AUTOMATICALLY while you are subscribed and you will receive an sms confirmation of such. You are given options to quit if you do not wish to be charged in the future. 

What happens if your subscription expires after 5 days and GRAB-A-GOLD cannot charge you for reason that you do not have enough load? If such occurs, your games will be locked, meaning, you can't play to earn golds and your current golds earned is also locked so you can't use it to spin the wheel or unlock a prize. If your Globe number has sufficient load, you will not encounter this issue. If you are not renewing your subscription, you will be prompted via sms that your golds earned will expire at a certain date unless you renew it.


Various games are available to you from your subscribed game packs. Just look for games that are easy to play with and that you can earn more golds at each levels. You can join Facebook pages or groups of those who are already playing GRAB-A-GOLD to get infos on techniques and strategies.


Under the SPIN Page, you can see two columns of prizes. The one on the left are your UNLOCKED or instant prizes linke IPAD WIFI 2, GCASH of 1k, 2k, 3k, and 4k and P20 load.Unlocked prizes are the ones you can instantly win upon spinning the wheel. If the Wheel pointer stops at an UNLOCKED Prize, you win it instantly. Prizes are claimed through rules/procedures specified by GRAB-A-GOLD


Locked prizes are located on the column on the right (middle of UNLOCKED Prize and the Wheel). Locked prizes are those that you need to unlock inorder to win them. You use your golds earned to unlock the prizes. You can see the amount of golds needed to unlock an item near the icons. Common mistake about LOCKED Prizes is that they are automatically unlocked upon reaching the needed golds to unlock them.

That's wrong!

For example, Nokia C3 requires 3,800 golds to unlock it. If you have 3,900 golds already earned, you need to perform unlocking procedure inorder for the prize to become an instant prize.If a spin resulted to a stop at a LOCKED Nokia C3, even if your golds are enough, you cannot win the item. To unlock the item. just CLICK the icon on the column, then a small window pops out prompting you that your golds are enough and ask you to unlock it. If you okayed the process, the Nokia C3 will now be included in your UNLOCKED instant prizes such that if your next spin landed on it, you win instantly.

After unlocking, your golds will be reduced by the amount needed to unlock the item. In the example, you now only have 100 golds (3,900 less 3,800). So the rule is, IF IT'S LOCKED, YOU CANNOT WIN IT EVEN IF YOUR GOLDS ARE MORE THAN THE REQUIRED TO UNLOCK IT. TO WIN IT, UNLOCKED IT.


If you know the game, Wheel of Fortune, this is similar to it. Only the prizes differ, gadgets. You can spin the wheel by using your free spins or by using 100 golds per spin. When you click the SPIN button, the wheel will randomize the prizes for about 5 seconds before the wheel starts to spin. Just wait for it to stop and will tell you the outcome with a fanfare. A window pops out showing you the result of your spin. You can see your Spin history at "MY ACCOUNT" page.

There you go, you can still increase your leanings about GRAB-A-GOLD by reading your Terms and Condition and the Mechanics. If now you are interested to join the fun, just click the lick below. You might need to log in to your facebook account.



Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Referring the Grab-A-Gold Game to non-registered Globe users is one way to increase your Game Earnings. Each successful referral will add 100 more of your golds and a 10PHP Load(Valid for one week starting April 25, 2011)  thereby increasing your chance to unlock more prizes and to spin as well. 

A valid referral link is generated from the Grab-a-gold website. You can generate this by simply clicking the SHARE button (from a locked prize)  which will create a post on your facebook wall. That post on your facebook is actually your unique referral link. If a non-registered user click the link, it will direct him to the Grab-A-Gold Website. If the user completes the registration successfully, the 100 golds and load will be credited to your account.

Your unique referral link usually looks like this... 

where XXXXX is your 4 or 5 or 6 unique number codes and YY is another 2 digit number. Both numbers are separated by a slash (/)

By clicking the link, you will be directed to the Grab-A-Gold Website where your referral link is already activated. Test it with another Globe number to check if you get the referral benefits.

Also, it is required that the user MUST subscribe to a paid game pack to consider successful registration.

If you have suggestions to make the process easier, feel free to post comments on my facebook page.




A referral link (a unique url) is assigned to each player. Ex: www.grabagold.com/1234567

Player can then publish their personal link on Facebook, Twitter, Email, Instant Messaging, and Blogs.

Upon clicking the link, your friends will be taken to the registration page so they can input their details. They will also earn 3 free spins which they can use immediately.

For 1st time visitors who visit the GRAB-A-GOLD website via referral link, they can win GLOBE Load, GCASH or an iPad2 even without subscribing to any Games Pack.

However, they cannot unlock special items unless they have subscribed to at least one Games Pack.

Recommender receives 100 GOLD  and 10Php load (valid this week only) for every successful referral. Successful is defined as your friends subscribing to a unique Games Pack.

GOLD can only be shared to friends who would be 1st time visitors to the site. Friends who are already registered are not eligible.

7. One Spin is worth 100 GOLD. Subscribers that do not have at least 100 Gold cannot spin.

8. There are 5 possible outcomes to a spin:

§ Load/G-Cash prize - if player gets load/Gcash worth P500 and below, amount will instantly be credited to his/her mobile number

§ iPad2 Wi-Fi 16G - if player gets this, winner will be asked to provide his/her complete mailing address.

A GRAB-A-GOLD representative will send the winner a registered mail where details of how to claim will also be indicated. Winner has 60 days to claim prize upon receipt of written notification.

§ Unlocked special prize - if player gets this, winner will be asked to provide his/her complete mailing address.

A GRAB-A-GOLD representative will send the winner a registered mail where details of how to claim will also be indicated. Winner has 60 days to claim prize upon receipt of written notification.

§ Locked special prize – if player gets this, he/she cannot win this item since it has not yet been unlocked

§ More Gold - if player gets this, GOLD will automatically be credited to his/her account

9. "Unlocking" a prize only allows this item to be included in the player's Instant Win Prizes. This does not insure that player will win the item. "Instant Win Prizes" is the list of prizes that player can win in every spin. Effectively, the more special prizes a player unlocks, the greater his chance to win.
Special prizes that are no longer available (ex: 10 iPad 2s were seeded and all 10 have already been won) will be marked as no longer available. If a special prize is "no longer available", these will be removed from the list of possible prizes and can no longer be unlocked.

For players that had already unlocked said items, they can no longer be won. Gold spent for that item can be transferred to unlock other special prizes that remain available. Gold spent cannot be refunded, it can only be transferred. And only in the case above.

10. Spinning is only open to active subscribers of Games Packs who have at least 100 GOLD. Subscribers who are "inactive", meaning he/she has no ongoing subscription to any GRAB-A-GOLD Pack, cannot spin unless they were able to acquire GOLD thru successful registration.


Monday, April 25, 2011


How to join & who are eligible to join:

For a subscriber to qualify, he/she must be a mobile subscriber of Globe/TM and have registered to www.grabagold.com.

Once registered, user gets access to 5 Free games, available for a 3-day trial.

From Apr 8, 2011 to Apr 7, 2012, Globe and TM subscribers can subscribe to GRAB-A-GOLD Games Packs, play them online & earn Gold from playing. Users can choose among several games packs. Each games pack will have a total of 15 games.


How to register:

a. To register, user goes to GRAB-A-GOLD and fills up the information required under Register now for FREE! window. After filling up the Nickname and Mobile Number, user clicks on Register

b. User will be sent an SMS message to his registered mobile number.

SMS Reply from access number 8888:

Your Verification Code: 123ABC. To complete your Grab-a-Gold registration, please enter the Verification Code on the web. Visit GRAB-A-GOLD from any pc. 

a. User goes back to the Register now for FREE window in the website. Enters the Verification Code Word (that was sent to his mobile phone). Then enters a password of his choice under Preferred Password and Confirm Password. Upon filling up the above information, user clicks on Complete my Registration button.

b. Once registered, subscriber can start subscribing to any games pack/s in the website. Registration is a one-time process per SIM card and is free of charge. All information sent will be kept confidential and will be used solely for this promo.

How to subscribe to a Games Pack:

1. Click on the SHOP tab to browse the different games. You will see a featured game and all available games under the Games Packs.

2. Click on a particular game that you like to get more info (Ex. Rotate & Roll). You will also see the other games that belong to the same Games Pack

3. Click BUY NOW button to subscribe to your chosen game and all the other games under the same Games Pack (ex. Games Pack A). Prepaid subscribers will be charged P15/5-day access per game pack, Postpaid subscribers will be charged P79/30-day access per game pack.

SMS Reply from 8888

GRAB-A-GOLD: Congratulations! Uv subscribed to Games Pack <X>. Today is FREE! Ul be charged P<X> tomorrow. To opt out, reply STOP GAME <X>. Visit www.grabagold.com
User can now begin to play the games under the Games Pack he subscribed to.

4. First time subscribers to a specific games pack will enjoy FREE 3 SPINS. Repeat opt in and players who opt out then opt in again to the same games pack will no longer enjoy free spins.

5. Click on My Account link on the upper right corner of the website to check your billing history.

Billing FAQs = Assumption: Subscribed to one Games Pack only.

· Is it possible for me to be billed P30+ in one day? Not possible. The max you can be charged is P15.

· Is it possible for me to be billed P15 on consecutive days… P15 + P15? Not possible. The max you can be charged over a 5-day period is P15.

· I have been insufficient balance for 30 consecutive days. Does my debt accrue? Ex: P15 x 6 = P90 No. Unbilled cycles do not carry over; they are written off. The max you can be charged in one day and within a 5-day period is P15 (see above).

How to opt out from GRAB-A-GOLD:

1. To turn a Games Pack subscription off, the subscriber has two options:

a. Via SMS: Text STOP GAME <game pack #> to 8888. Ex. STOP GAME A. To turn off all GRAB-A-GOLD subscriptions for free, text STOP GAME ALL to 8888.

SYNTAX: STOP GAME <game pack#> or STOP GAME ALL to 8888

Cost: Free

SMS Reply from 8888:

GRAB-A-GOLD (Games Pack <#>): You’ve unsubscribed. You will no longer be charged. Your access will end on 11:59pm of <date>. Visit www.grabagold.com from any pc.

b. Via Web: Under the My Account tab, click the Unsubscribe link of the games pack you want to opt out from.

2. If an opt-out will result in the expiry of his GOLD, player is provided an alert.

SMS Reply from 8888:

GRAB-A-GOLD: You must maintain at least one Games Pack subscription to keep your <amount> GOLD. If you proceed with this opt out, your GOLD will expire on <date/time>. To proceed, reply with STOP GAME ALL for free.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Grab-a-Gold Complete Game Mechanics

What is GRAB-A-GOLD?

GRAB-A-GOLD is a web gaming portal wherein Globe and TM subscribers can subscribe to games packs, play them online, earn GOLD from accomplishing game levels, use earned Gold to spin the Prize Wheel and win prizes instantly.

What is a "games pack"?

A games pack is composed of 15 casual games that can be played unlimitedly while you are subscribed to it. Prepaid subscribers will be charged P15/5-day access per game pack while postpaid subscribers will be charged P79/30-day access per game pack. There will be multiple games packs to choose from.

How do I subscribe to a games pack?

New players or first time website visitors should first register before they can subscribe to a games pack. To know how to register, please read " How do I register?" section below

For Globe registered subscribers, here's how to subscribe to a games pack:

1. Click on the SHOP tab to browse the different games. You will see a featured game and all available games under the Games Packs.

2. Click on a particular game that you like to get more info (Ex. Rotate & Roll). You will also see the other games that belong to the same Games Pack

3. Click BUY NOW button to subscribe to your chosen game and all the other games under the same Games Pack (ex. Games Pack A). Prepaid subscribers will be charged P15/5-day access per game pack, Postpaid subscribers will be charged P79/30-day access per game pack.

Note: See rules on Billing below

SMS Reply from 8888

GRAB-A-GOLD: Congratulations! Uv subscribed to Games Pack <X>. Today is FREE! Ul be charged P<X> tomorrow. To opt out, reply STOP GAME <X>. Visit www.grabagold.com

User can now begin to play the games under the Games Pack he subscribed to.

4. First time subscribers to a specific games pack will enjoy FREE 3 SPINS. Repeat opt in and players who opt out then opt in again to the same games pack will no longer enjoy free spins.

5. Click on My Account link on the upper right corner of the website to check your billing history.

How do I register?

Registration is free for 1st time visitors or www.grabagold.com. New registrants will get a free 3-day trial of 5 sample games. To register, Globe subscribers should follow these easy steps:

a. To register, user goes to www.grabagold.com and fills up the information required under “Register now for FREE!” window. After filling up the Nickname and Mobile Number, user clicks on Register

a. User will be sent an SMS message to his registered mobile number.

SMS Reply from access number 8888:

Your Verification Code: 123ABC. To complete your Grab-a-Gold registration, please enter the Verification Code on the web. Visit www.grabagold.com from any pc.

b. User goes back to the “Register now for FREE” window in the website. Enters the Verification Code Word (that was sent to his mobile phone). Then enters a password of his choice under Preferred Password and Confirm Password. Upon filling up the above information, user clicks on Complete my Registration button.

a. Once registered, subscriber can start subscribing to any games pack/s in the website. Registration is a one-time process per SIM card and is free of charge. All information sent will be kept confidential and will be used solely for this promo.

What freebies can I enjoy if I'm a new registrant?

   1. All new registrants automatically get free 3 spins plus 3-day free trial of five (5) selected games.

   2. Subscriber can earn GOLD as he/she plays and levels up during his/her free trial. However, his/her Gold will be locked and cannot be used for spinning unless he subscribes to a paid Games Pack. Unused GOLD will expire after 5 days from time of registration, unless subscriber successfully opts-in to a paid Games Pack on or before 11:59pm of day 5.

   3. Subscribing will NOT pre-terminate your 3-day free trial for the 5 games. Rather, those 5 games will co-exist with your paid Games Pack (composed of 15 games) for the balance of the free trial period. For that span then, you'd have 20 games.

d. If subscriber logs in again and enters a wrong password, he/she cannot log in and play a game. To be able to log in and play, subscriber needs to click FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD? so that the correct password will be pushed to his/her registered mobile number via SMS.

e. Skinning of website will depend on registered info: if Globe Broadband is detected, special Globe Tattoo broadband skin will be used. If Globe number is entered by non-Tattoo user, GHP skin will be used.

All participants are presumed to have read and understood, and agree and abide by the promo’s complete rules and regulations at www.grabagold.com/termsandcondition

Can I earn GOLD from my free trial?

New registrants can earn GOLD as they play and level up during free trial. However, Gold earned will be locked and cannot be used for spinning unless they subscribe to a paid Games Pack.

Can I check the details of my subscriptions and billing in the website?

Yes you can. If you click MY ACCOUNT link on the upper right corner, you can check the billing history and find the unsubscription link per games pack.

How can I earn GOLD?

1. Once opt in is successful, user can start playing games by clicking on the Play tab in the website. Each game opened will have its own Gold Rewards Table, which will give the player an idea of how much Globe Gold he/she can accumulate for accomplishing stages/levels/feats.

2. Globe Gold does not expire for as long as player maintains at least one active subscription

3. Globe Gold is credited into the player’s wallet real-time during game play.

4. Player can switch freely from game-to-game and can garner as much Globe Gold as each game may award. Specifically, a completed game may be re-played over and over again and will continue to award Globe Gold as per its rewards table.

5. Globe Gold earned is consolidated into one wallet and accumulated within the promo period.

6. Subscribers can also accumulate Globe Gold by recommending a unique referral link to their non-registered friends on Facebook. Twitter, etc. or by receiving seeded messages from various touch points in Globe (ex: Globe Facebook page, AutoloadMax message, etc).

When will my GOLD expire?

GOLD does not expire for as long as player maintains at least one active subscription.

Can I play any game in my games pack and still earn Gold?

Player can switch freely from game-to-game and can garner as much GOLD as each game may award. Specifically, a completed game may be re-played over and over again and will continue to award GOLD as per its rewards table.

What do I do with my GOLD?

2. One Spin is worth 100 Globe Gold. Subscribers that do not have at least 100 Gold cannot spin.

3. There are 5 possible outcomes to a spin:

§ Load/G-Cash prize - if player gets load/Gcash worth P500 and below, amount will instantly be credited to his/her mobile number

§ iPad2 Wi-Fi 16G - if player gets this, winner will be asked to provide his/her complete mailing address.

A GRAB-A-GOLD representative will send the winner a registered mail where details of how to claim will also be indicated. Winner has 60 days to claim prize upon receipt of written notification.

§ Unlocked special prize - if player gets this, winner will be asked to provide his/her complete mailing address.

A GRAB-A-GOLD representative will send the winner a registered mail where details of how to claim will also be indicated. Winner has 60 days to claim prize upon receipt of written notification.

§ Locked special prize – if player gets this, he/she cannot win this item since it has not yet been unlocked

§ More Gold - if player gets this, Globe Gold will automatically be credited to his/her account

What happens when I "unlock" a prize?

"Unlocking" a prize only allows this item to be included in the player's Instant Win Prizes. This does not insure that player will win the item. "Instant Win Prizes" is the list of prizes that player can win in every spin. Effectively, the more special prizes a player unlocks, the greater his chance to win.

"Instant Win Prizes" with no Unlocked prizes yet "Instant Win Prizes" with 1 Unlocked Prize

Instant Win Prizes with 2 Unlocked Prizes

    * Spinning is only open to active subscribers of Games Packs who have at least 100 Globe Gold. Subscribers who are "inactive", meaning he/she has no ongoing subscription to any GRAB-A-GOLD Pack, cannot spin unless they were able to acquire Globe Gold thru successful registration.

What happens to prizes that have already been won?

    * Special prizes that are no longer available (ex: 10 iPad 2s were seeded and all 10 have already been won) will be marked as “no longer available”. If a special prize is "no longer available", these will be removed from the list of possible prizes and can no longer be unlocked.
    * For players that had already unlocked said items, they can no longer be won. Gold spent for that item can be transferred to unlock other special prizes that remain available. Gold spent cannot be refunded, it can only be transferred. And only in the case above.

Who are disqualified from joining the promo?

All employees of Xurpas, Havoc Digital, Globe Telecom, Innove Communication, its agencies and their relatives up to the second degree of affinity or consanguinity are disqualified from joining the promo.

How can I redeem my prize/s if I win?

   1. The winners of special items must present the following when claiming their prize:
         1. Two (2) valid IDs with picture and address; (i.e. SSS, Driver’s License, PRC Card, Company ID or passport)
         2. The SIM card registered to the GRAB-A-GOLD website;
         3. The official registered mail sent by Xurpas.
         4. Tax Identification Number.
   2. If winner cannot provide the proper requirements above, he/she cannot claim prize/s.
   3. Prizes shall be awarded only upon completion of entire validation process, resulting in the subscriber being identified as a legitimate winner. All winners should be of good standing with Globe Telecom and Innove Communications.
   4. For post-paid subscribers, accounts should have no outstanding overdue balance be current and on the date of redemption.
   5. For pre-paid subscribers, accounts should have been properly decremented for all transactions on the date of redemption.
   6. If winner is a minor, he/she must be accompanied by his parent/s or legal guardian.
   7. Qualified winners must claim their prizes within sixty (60) days from receipt of notification. Failure to claim within the allotted time/duration forfeits the winner’s right over the prize with prior DTI approval.
   8. For Metro Manila winners: the prize may be claimed at the Xurpas, Inc. office located at 51-A Zeta II Building, Salcedo St., Legaspi Village, Makati City.
   9. For provincial winners:
         1. Xurpas shall contact the winner and make arrangements for claiming the prize.
         2. Winners must claim their prize at the Xurpas office. Transportation, board and lodging expenses for claiming the prize shall be shouldered by the winner.
         3. In case the winning subscriber cannot claim the prize personally, winners can send an authorized representative. The authorized representative should have an authorization letter and 2 valid (IDs) with picture and address, the official notification letter and the SIM card registered to the GRAB-A-GOLD website. The authorized representative will sign the prize release documentation in behalf of the winner.

10. Additional Requirements:

i. If the name of the subscriber indicated in the Globe billing system as being the postpaid subscriber is different from the name of the GRAB-A-GOLD website registrant, the GRAB-A-GOLD website registrant will be qualified to receive the prize if he submits an affidavit from the postpaid subscriber certifying that the postpaid subscriber has authorized the winner to use his postpaid SIM card to join the Promo and that he waives his right to the prize in favor of the winner.

ii. If the postpaid SIM card number corresponds to a subscription of a company, then the GRAB-A-GOLD website registrant will be qualified to receive the prize if he submits an affidavit from the duly authorized representative of the company owning the postpaid SIM card certifying that the company has authorized the GRAB-A-GOLD website registrant to join the Promo and that the company is waiving its right to claim the prize won.

iii. If the GRAB-A-GOLD website registrant is a minor, then he must be accompanied by his parent/legal guardian when he claims his prize. The subscriber’s parent/legal guardian must then present his valid identification and proof that he is the parent/legal guardian of the subscriber.

IMPORTANT: Failure to submit any of the required proof and documentation is a ground for disqualification

How can I unsubscribe from a games pack?

1. To turn a Games Pack subscription off, the subscriber has two options:

a. Via SMS: Text STOP GAME <game pack #> to 8888. Ex. STOP GAME A. To turn off all GRAB-A-GOLD subscriptions for free, text STOP GAME ALL to 8888.

SYNTAX: STOP GAME <game pack#> or STOP GAME ALL to 8888

Cost: Free

SMS Reply from 8888:

GRAB-A-GOLD (Games Pack <#>): You’ve unsubscribed. You will no longer be charged. Your access will end on 11:59pm of <date>. Visit www.grabagold.com from any pc.

b. Via Web: Under the My Account tab, click the Unsubscribe link of the games pack you want to opt out from.

2. If an opt-out will result in the expiry of his Globe Gold, player is provided an alert.

SMS Reply from 8888:

GRAB-A-GOLD: You must maintain at least one Games Pack subscription to keep your <amount> Globe Gold. If you proceed with this opt out, your Globe Gold will expire on <date/time>. To proceed, reply with STOP GAME ALL for free.

a. If opt out is done via web:

Billing FAQs

(Assumption: I am subscribed to one Games Pack only)

    * Is it possible for me to be billed P30+ in one day?

Not possible. The max you can be charged is P15.

    * Is it possible for me to be billed P15 on consecutive days… P15 + P15?

Not possible. The max you can be charged over a 5-day period is P15.

    * I have been insufficient balance for 30 consecutive days. Does my “debt” accrue? Ex: P15 x 6 = P90

No. Unbilled cycles do not carry over; they are written off. The max you can be charged in one day and within a 5-day period is P15 (see above)

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