Input your Globe/TM Number

Saturday, May 7, 2011


If you are tired in playing games to earn golds, then perhaps it's your time to shift your attention temporarily from playing to referring. Not to mention that there is a guaranteed 100 gold for every successful referral but more excitingly is that it comes with a 10php Autoloadmax. Let's just hope that the deadline will be re-extended after May 22, 2011. Just imagine having at least 3 referrals a day will give you a 30 php load. If you think it is impossible, better take a look at this screen shot of the TOP 5 EARNERS!

Let me share you some practical tips and information about the referral feature of GRAB-A-GOLD:


An accurate referral link will direct the curious clicker to the GRAB-A-GOLDregistration Page. If your link doesn't work, the potential registrant just might head on to www.grabagold.com and you lose the reward.

How to make your referral link? Click Here.


Your aim is to let the people know about GRAB-A-GOLD and have them use your link to get the details they want. Facebook is the most common location for a referral link if you have thousand of friends since your wall post will be visible to all of your friends' wall. If you have few friends on your list, do not worry, you can individually locate a friend with numerous friends and post your link directly to their wall. Add some curiosity element on the description so you tempt them to click it. Just a reminder though, do not post too much on others' wall as it might give them and Facebook itself an impression that you are spreading a spam. 5 to 7 posts in a day will do. You can also join Facebook Pages with plenty of members, if you are allowed to post on their wall, then post your link. Try looking for Fan or Group Pages of Globe Users, that's a potential location.

Forum/Blogs about GRAB-A-GOLD are a great place to have your link posted. Just search them and submit comments on topics related to GRAB-A-GOLD. Of course, you must know the mechanics of the game so you can answer some questions posted and direct them to you link. If you see someone posted "I want to join but How?", then make a reply suggesting a short answer and place your link. Who knows what comes next?

If you are a blogger, have at least one page dedicated to GRAB-A-GOLD on your site and have links directed to its Registration Page. GRAB-A-GOLD just started a month ago and many Globe subscribers are yet to be informed about the promo. Today is the best time to scout for new referrals.A single page about GRAB-A-GOLD like this attracts at least 250 visitors a day. If 20 of them are looking for information about the game and your link is right under their nose, then even in your sleep your phone keeps on beeping receiving confirmations from Autoloadmax.

Other suggestions would be the use of your Twitter account if you are an active user. You can also look for Globe users in your community and force them to register, just be careful though. Use your unlimited texting to invite them too.

Take note that a successful registration means your referral has subscribed to a Games Pack 


There you go. If you have some more tips, please feel free to post your comment.



Tuesday, May 3, 2011


If you are in pain and confused?

Here's some good news...

Did you know that most relationships CAN be salvaged? You may find it difficult to believe that almost every break up for whatever reason…infidelity, plain old lost passion, loss of interest, a stolen heart and worse...even the worst situations you can imagine…like men serving prison sentences have salvaged their relationships. Yes, even Ex-cons have got back together with girlfriends and wives after being away for years!

There is hope...

Now I can almost see you shaking your head in disbelief…

And it's okay…let me ask?

Don't you know couples that have gotten back together? A girl that has taken a guy back?...or vice versa?

I bet you do…and here's the strange real clincher…

Do you remember why they broke up in the first place? I bet you know at least one guy or gal that took their lover back after an affair…or unfaithfulness…or worse even?

Think about it for a sec...

Sure! And I bet you know of…or have heard of at least one girl that has taken a guy back that REALLY should not have…you know the ones I am talking about…(and I know this is kind of dark)… the girls or guys that are in verbally or physically abusive relationships.

Now, that is some really dark stuff and I am not recommending to anyone to take someone back if the relationship was abusive…I am using it as a point that almost NO SITUATION is unsalvageable…

"Couples reunite every day REGARDLESS of the situation!"

Seriously, Doesn't that make sense? That if most of us can think of couples that have gotten back together…under even some horrible  circumstances…that there could be some hidden recipe, or secret even, to reigniting passion and recapturing lost love?

Now…I am not saying they were holding some "secret love spell" book and doing weird chants…not at all…at the same time somehow, by MOSTLY accident they said and did the RIGHT THINGS at the RIGHT TIME…and won back the heart of their lover...or at least created the circumstances where their ex gave them a second chance.

Allow me to repeat...they did this by mostly ACCIDENT!


What if? What they said...and what they did...could be "bottled" so to speak? And then you could "unbottle" it and put it to use? To erase old hurts...to reignite passion again...to turn back to a time when your relationship was fresh, new and exciting.

Yes...A Magic Love Recipe...in a sense...

You see there IS a "recipe for love" as well as a recipe for winning back and keeping some ones interest, desire, passion, heart and love…

What they did by "accident" can be repeated over and over on PURPOSE!

And you know what?

 If I were you...I would be somewhat skeptical right now...that's totally fine! I am going to show you some concrete proof. Just bear with me okay?

Do you have these symptoms?

-Leaving the radio off because every song makes you cry
-Loss of appetite
-Binge eating for comfort 
-Calling your ex several times a day
-Text messaging and emailing constantly (Text Message Terrorism)
-Constantly checking your email and voice mail to see if he/she called
-Not going out because you are afraid to miss a call
-Thinking non-stop about why they REALLY left you
-Feeling massively depressed
-Feeling urges to spy on them
-Endlessly rehearsing what you should have said
-Endlessly rehearsing what you will say if you bump into them

…and when you do get a hold of them, it usually turns ugly because without a clear plan of what you are supposed to do…what happens? P-A-N-I-C...defensiveness...arguments...and then it gets really nasty.

Do you make these mistakes with your ex?

-We try to convince them we are the love of their life
-We will apologize profusely for everything
-Promise to change for good this time
-Try to get them to see that it wasn't really our fault
-Even beg with them to take us back

…and of course with every word we utter, regardless of our intention, the more and more defensive, angry and distant they become.

Please know…this is not your fault! You weren't taught this in school.  You probably weren't taught this by your parents…and there is no "get your ex back" night school...


And it is really a shame too because what could be more important than love? ..Cars?...Money?...Clothes?...ALGEBRA?

So why? Are there all kinds of books, magazines and help on fixing a car, managing money and all the latest fashions, yet very little USEFUL information on how to fix a broken relationship…manage your emotions or getting the love of your life back?

Crazy huh?

And now as you will soon see...all that has changed.

 "T Dub" Discovers His "Love Recipe"

Please allow me to introduce myself…My name is T.W. Jackson, I know kinda weird…it's a long story…you can just call me "T Dub"…I want to say right off the bat, that I am not a psychologist, Doctor or some relationship guru…In fact  I royally piss off the academic types and I'll tell you why in a second…

I have been a military brat…or in the military for a majority of my life. In fact I joined the US Navy when I was a ripe old 17 years of age. Because of my life long military experience I've had dozens of homes…in 11 countries... and lived long term in 5 states in the U.S.

And because I have lived in so many places and changed schools so often as a kid…I had to learn…and learn REALLY FAST…how to get along with people. And people from ALL WALKS OF LIFE. I can sit down and have some sake with my friend in Tokyo…or pop open a can of suds and fish Lake Dardanelle with an Arkansas "redneck" buddy of mine…makes no difference…

More importantly…I became really good at reading people, understanding what makes them "tick" and even got to a point where I could influence their behavior and actions.

In fact, I got quite good at doing this, so good in fact that I was the "go to" guy whenever my friends had just about any kind of "people problem"…I kind of felt like the male version of "Dear Abby"...

Maybe you even know someone a little like me?...someone that you go to when you have "people problems"…

Anyway…I got a ton of practice keeping relationships together…and putting them back together after  they had come apart…because the divorce rate for military couples is MUCH HIGHER than average.

WARNING: Unconventional Methods!

At this point, I must WARN YOU…STRONGLY WARN YOU…my advice and methods are VERY unconventional. I get relationship counselors and the like REALLY ANGRY because they are charging $50 to $100 an hour (sometimes for months and even years) and I can whisper just one of my methods in my friends ear…he DOES IT... And next thing you know... he's back home, laying back on the couch and watching HOUSE with his fiance on Monday nights.

Now you are free to make up your own mind about me. I just don't believe that any amount of sitting in a classroom  can make up for the REAL WORLD experience that I have under my belt…

I mean, what's a more valuable experience?…Listening to a lecture on libido? Or BEING THERE when my buddy's girlfriend is chucking his clothes and skivys out the bedroom window because she thinks he was with some tart the night before?

I don't know about you, my money is on the guy with the real world experience any day.

Now, if you are hanging out with  me here today, I am guessing you have  "relationship troubles" too? If you do…I think  I can help…

Here's how I can help you...

If you have broken up and want to get your guy or gal back, obviously I can't talk too or be with everyone, I just don't have enough time…but I have done what I believe to be the next best thing…

I have put my years of experience…into a really easy to follow… love recipe for "getting back together"…and again I forewarn you right now…these are techniques and strategies that are NOT conventional wisdom…and I doubt you have ever read or heard these techniques before.

…and I'll tell you…

this stuff works!...maybe too well?

Frankly, I get a little freaked out about just how well it works…and worry that it may be used for less than honorable intentions. I mean I want to help GOOD people…I don't want to help JERKS get girls back that would be better off without them. I do NOT want to help "psycho chick" steal away a married man.

Like a knife, these techniques and principles can be used for great good or grave harm.

This is NOT FOR

-Ex Convicts
-People with severe mental problems
-Other Crazies, Cuckoos or Whack Jobs


Anyway, I have titled the "recipe" simply The Magic Of Making Up…See, it is my opinion that there are really no impossible situations. I have seen women not only wait on a man for months, but take back men that have spent years in prison…and... I have seen men take women back that have had MORE THAN ONE AFFAIR…

And everything else in between! How crazy is that?


You know what?

By now, I bet you really want to see some proof that this works? I would too if I were you.


Monday, May 2, 2011


Lately there’s been a lot of talk about this new program that’s been coming in my email inbox and being wildly talked about online right now.

But you see, I got a sneak peak into what Commission Crusher is all about – and wanted to give you my review on it.

So… what is Commission Crusher exactly?

Commission Crusher is based on a simple marketing concept that anybody can duplicate online… and never have to compete against one another. This method allows anyone to find profitable affiliate campaigns online and swipe them for their profits.

The real beauty behind Commission Crusher is the software engine that drives the product… titled “Ad Assault”. This amazing piece of software will allow you with a flick of a switch find tons of hot websites in any market… any niche… and tell you everything you need to know to get tons of traffic from these websites.

Best of all… you don’t have to deal with Google, Yahoo, MSN or any of that crap. This method is unlike anything I’ve ever seen before online.

... and here’s the best part – Steve walks through every step of the process on video. And he’s got a great support team in place to help you with any questions you have.
Can you get any better than that?
So simply put – Commission Crusher works. It’s a fantastic product. If you’ve been looking for a way to make constant money online with something that’s not going to disappear tomorrow, this is it.

Grab a copy before they sell out. I highly recommend you get your hands on this software now!

GO here:


Lately there's been a lot of talk about this relatively unknown 24 year-old
online millionaire named Steve Iser who's exposing his software
program Commission Crusher, to the world for a very limited time...

So just who is Steve and what should you know about him?

Simply put, Steve is unlike any other marketer online. With nearly 5 years
of marketing online, Steve has gone from College dropout at 20 to millionaire
status in less than 3 years.

He's run the full gamut from promoting affiliate programs, creating info
products, software training, sold websites, spoken at marketing conferences,
created his own CPA offers and in the process of his career has already helped
thousands of people create successful businesses online.

You name it - he's probably done it. This young turk believes in "paying it
forward". In other wards, his goal with Commission Crusher is to help
his 500 new students utilize his new software to create a new group of rich.

His new software program, Commission Crusher, utilizes a simple method that
allows you to tap into any market or niche online and find out WHO exactly
has the traffic - so you can tap into it and get a piece of the pie for youself.

Needless to say, he's unlike most of these other "gurus" out there. He does
things differently. And he takes a personal interest in helping his customers

If you want to know more about Commission Crusher and what Steve's got going
on right now, check it out below:

GO here:

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